"We commit to accomplish our vision with utmost Dedication. "



  • To enable the child to grow up as a disciplined responsible, productive citizen of a democratic country. 
  • To introduce well balanced integrated personalities to the future of tomorrow. 
  • To foster high standards of behaviour based on mutual responsibility and self-discipline. 
  • To ensure quality teaching and learning by providing an education that enriches and empowers amongst.
  • To inculcate among students not just academics but also human excellence by nurturing values of generosity, truthfulness, compassion and tolerance and justice. 
  • To assist each student to discover their strengths and talents and make them aspire for goals of excellence. 
  • To inculcate and foster in students a strong social consciousness so that they may be effective leaders, team players and leaders of tomorrow. 
  • To enable the student to face the real world and apply the knowledge learnt. 
  • To assess the student on the learning outcomes achieved and prepare for future assessment. 
  • To involve parents from PG to 12 in the school journey of their children. 



  • To instil in students a passion for lifelong learning and to nurture their growth as conscientious global citizens 
  • To ensure active involvement among all stakeholders, ensuring a collaborative effort towards student development and success.